WordPress Inaugural

[He] felt that the reader was in serious trouble most of the time, floundering in a swamp, and that it was the duty of anyone attempting to write English to drain the swamp quickly and get the reader up on dry ground, or at least to throw a rope.

– E. B. White
The Elements of Style
William Strunk Jr. & E. B. White

These words, no less meaningful today than they were in 1957 when White introduced and revised Strunk’s “little book,” are a reminder to any would-be writer to consider the plight of the hapless, swamp-venturing reader while dredging the English language. I strive to make Strunk proud, or at least not let him drown.

Writing is not new to me; I’ve put pen to paper and fingers to keyboard for years with grandiose ideas of fascinating, “very unique”,  tomes of personal insight. You’ve not read my work? Alas, my inflated ego, over-reaching intent, and rigid expectations brought on predictable results and insightful tomes are reduced to Cliffs Notes on a vain mind. My previous writing, like so much  of my past, seems fraught with un-necessary babble, turgid language over-flowing the page and soaking the reader.

So, I begin this new blog with no real intent. Allowing instead for the writing to evolve as I evolve. Promising no regular schedule and creating no expectations without fully understanding the process and commitment. Perhaps I will evolve to generate regular content. Perhaps I will even be a daily contributor. Who knows? But, for now, and at this precise moment, I am content to know that I have blogged at all.